Being able to make quick judgments about women is an important skill to have. You want to be able to find the best woman to hook up with on any given hookup site. There are so many women using these sites that this is sometimes easier said than done, though. What’s a guy to do? You may be surprised to learn that you can actually learn quite a bit about her just by looking at her hairstyle. We know this sounds odd, but you would be surprised by how accurate these ideas tend to be. If you’re going to be looking for the perfect woman to hook up with, you want to be able to find her with ease. Looking at her hairstyle could actually tell you some important things you need to know about her, so it’s a good skill to have. Here’s what you can learn about her from her hairstyle: She’s a Bit on the Wild Side If she has a hairstyle that’s unique, chances are that she’s a bit wild. If her hair is done up in a Mohawk, faux hawk, dreads, or anything like that, you’re definitely looking at a woman who isn’t afraid to be a bit wild. If her hair is dyed a…