Picture this: after all that time you spent browsing online hookup sites, you’ve finally scored a chance with a really hot chick. You’re excited and you’ve probably been looking forward to meeting up with her ever since her last message came through. You end up taking her back to your place, because it’s the most convenient spot to go and hook up. After some drinks and a bit of conversation, you realize you need to come up with a way to move things along. You don’t want to just blurt out “do you want to bang?” unless you want her to lose interest. Of course, that’s not what you actually hope happens at all. What can you do, though? A movie seems like a great idea! You’ll be able to settle down next to her and get in nice and close. Everything else should happen pretty naturally after that. What film are you going to fire up, though? You need to be careful with your selection. If you put on the wrong film, you’re only going to have a bad time. She won’t be able to get into the mood, and neither will you. When picking out which DVD to use, avoid any film in the following categories. Horror Movies…