Whether you’re at your place, her place, or in a hotel room somewhere, hooking up the first few times can be awkward if the room is quiet except for whatever sounds you’re making. If you get too focused on how awkward that feels, you could end up killing the mood. Then she’s not going to be happy with you. She might even want to call it quits and leave, rather than wait for you to try and get it up again. Don’t let that happen to you. The easiest way to avoid this kind of situation is to have some other source of sound in the room as you hook up. For most people, music works just fine. For many others, though, putting on a movie is a great way to move things along, too. After all, it’s easy to pretend you’re both watching it for a few minutes. Then you can get handy while still pretending to watch what’s going on over on the screen. Before long, you’ll be hooking up and it’ll be completely free from any weird or awkward moments! If you want to do this, though, you’re going to need to figure out what kinds of movies are good to put on. Understated Films are Easy…