In the course of all your preparations for using hookup sites, you’ve probably read plenty of advice on how to fix up your appearance. After all, if you look like crap, then your chances of actually scoring a hookup are also crap. Looking good is important, but it’s not all about the clothes you wear. As a matter of fact, what you choose to go along with your clothes is just as important as what you wear. That’s right: we’re talking about accessories. Don’t afraid or panic, because they’re not just weird things that women wear. There are tons of great male accessories that can really complete your look. Not only that, but you can even use them as status symbols to try and impress the women that you’re meeting up with. If you just show up in a plain old outfit, she might not mind, but she’s not going to be impressed. Shouldn’t you be doing your best to blow her away? If you do that, she’s going to want to try harder in the bedroom. That’s why it’s time to head out the door and get ready to accessorize. Here’s what you need to be equipped with. Aviator Sunglasses Will Jazz You Right Up If you’re squinting into…