“Try to be nice”
Being in a casual fling that’s all about sex is a far cry from what it’s like to be in a committed relationship. Because of that, you might think the kinds of emotions you feel will be completely different, true. That’s not entirely true, though. In fact, a lot of the emotions you might feel during a relationship can crop up at other times, too. If you’re not expecting them, then you could end up landing yourself in some deep and hot water. For example, what if you feel like the lady you’ve been hooking up with isn’t paying enough attention to you? Just because you’re not dating doesn’t mean you don’t want to keep in touch. You might also not be having the sex you want in this situation. That’s because a lack of attention can translate into a lack of communication. That’s a big problem for both of you. Don’t convince yourself that you’re just being dumb by wanting more of her attention. It could be the key to keeping your fling alive. If you’re worried about how to bring it up without sounding weird, worry no more. Here’s a simple guide to doing it!
Ask Nicely So You Don’t Seem Clingy
The worst thing you can do in this situation is make yourself look clingy. That’s the opposite of what everyone in a casual hookup wants. So when you ask for more of her attention, be nice, and do it slowly. Don’t sound desperate. If she thinks you’re getting too close, she’s going to shove you away. She might even end things right then and there. That’s why you’ve got to be tactful. Tell her that you enjoyed a particular thing you did together. Suggest doing it more often. Then see where things go.
Offer to Show Her the Same Thing in Kind

“Take her to the movie”
When asking for more of her attention, make it clear that you’re willing to give her more of yours, too. It’s not like you’re just going to soak it all up like a sponge and then ignore her. Take her out on a date, or do some other kind of activity together. It’s easy to be friends while having a casual sexual relationship at the same time. When you show her that you’re willing to reciprocate, it’s a lot easier to get what you want.
Choose the Moment Carefully or Else
Don’t ask for more of her time at a bad moment, even if it’s bothering you. For example, if it’s clear that she’s had a really terrible day, that’s not a good time to ask for more attention. It’s also not good to ask for before, during, or right after sex. That kind of atmosphere is too charged up for any good conversation to take place. You’re better off waiting for a time when you share a meal together. That setting is neutral and won’t help or hurt your cause. Just approach the subject with careful timing, and everything will be just fine.